Submit your article via our online form Click here Note* We only accept original articles, we do not accept articles that have already been published on other websites. For more information, please contact: In 2016 and 2017, patent and trademark rules were revised and strict deadlines were introduced for processing cases, streamlining examination and reducing certain filing fees to encourage start-up activities. In 2019, the Patent Rules (Amendment Rules) further expanded the categories of applicants who can be subject to expedited examination of their patent applications. The 2017 Guidelines for the Examination of Computer-Related Inventions removed all examples of what can and cannot be patentable, leaving it at the discretion of the patent examiner and raising concerns about the consistency of patentability decisions. Over the past three decades, information technology and the digital industry have seen the greatest development, with development also accelerating day by day and can be considered the fastest growing sector of the century. The industry has undergone significant changes in electronic devices, computers, telecommunications, etc., and it has also affected human life in the greatest way by bringing progress in many ways. Microelectronics, which mainly refers to integrated circuits (ICs) ranging from small-scale integration (SSI) to very large-scale integration (VLSI) on a semiconductor chip, can rightly be called the most important strategic technology in the world, especially for the information technology (IT)-based society. Integrated circuits require expertise and the effort required to create one depends on the complexity of the output. Therefore, it is very necessary to include it in intellectual property rights, and it is also necessary to promote further research and development in the field of microelectronics. The State Government may, after consultation with the relevant high courts, form commercial courts at the district level.
In addition, the territorial limits of the jurisdiction of these courts are determined by the Land Government after hearing the Supreme Court concerned. (v) The Universal Copyright Convention (with Protocols) (vi) The Geneva Treaty on the International Registration of Audiovisual Works, 1992. (vii) WIPO Copyright Treaty, 1996 (viii) WIPO Performances and Phonograms Treaty, 1996 With the globalization of trade, trademark names, trade names, trademarks, etc., have acquired immense value that requires uniform minimum standards of protection and effective enforcement procedures, as recognized in the TRIPS Agreement. In view of the same, a comprehensive review and consistent repeal of the old Indian Trade and Marks Act, 1958 was carried out and the new Trade-marks Act, 1999 was enacted. The 1999 Act, as subsequently amended, is consistent with TRIPS and international systems and practices. . With rapid globalization and the opening up of the Indian economy, “intellectual capital” has become one of the main drivers of prosperity in today`s international trade. Intellectual property rights have become clearly visible on India`s legal horizon, both in terms of new laws and court decisions. India has ratified the Agreement Establishing the World Trade Organization (the “WTO”), which contains the Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS). India`s laws, implementing provisions and dispute settlement methods relating to the protection of intellectual property (IP) are now fully in line with the TRIPS Agreement. India has laws covering various areas of intellectual property as shown below: © 2021 Euromoney Institutional Investor PLC.
For help, please read our FAQ. The Trade Marks Act of 1999, which replaced the Trade and Commerce Act of 1958 (“MT Act of 1958”), protects trademarks. The law was amended a few times with the last amendment in 2017. The TRIPS Agreement, which entered into force on 1 January 1995, is still considered the most comprehensive multilateral agreement on intellectual property. The areas of intellectual property it covers are as follows: A trademark is property that can be transferred by a document for examination, subject to certain provisions of the relevant law. An assignment of the trademark requires the written form by the actions of the persons concerned. When a trademark assignment is made, the assignee must apply to the Trademark Registry to register its title. Until such an application is filed by the assignee, the assignment shall have no effect against a person who acquires a conflicting interest in or under the registered trademark without knowledge of the assignment.
If the validity of an assignment is contested, the trademark owner may refuse to register the assignment unless so decided by a court of competent jurisdiction. Indian law contains a restriction on the assignment of trademarks, whether registered or not, creating multiple exclusive rights over more than one person, which would lead to confusion. However, assignment with imposed restrictions, such as e.B. Goods intended to be sold in different markets, i.e. india or for export. The Registrar has the right to issue a certificate of validity of the proposed assignment to a case statement by the owner of a registered trademark proposing the transfer of the trademark. The said certificate of validity shall be authentic, provided that it is not tainted by fraud. Assignments that create exclusive rights in various markets in India also apply. The industrial product essentially consists of two factors, namely the artistic work and the functioning of the product. Although in the design law only artistic work is covered and does not work, part of the product, although artistic work must be unique and not common. For example, the table with legs and top would not be considered a design, but the table with a unique top and a unique style of stockings can be recorded. In any foreign market, companies should take into account several general principles for effective protection of their intellectual property.
Read our article on intellectual property protection and visit for more resources. In India, a person has the option of applying to WIPO (for .com) or NIXI (for .in domains). However, if a person wants to commit an infringement, they fall under the Trade-marks Act, in fact, in 2005, in Satyam v. Siffy, the Supreme Court placed domain names under the scope of the Trade-marks Act. India follows the common law and therefore offers common law protection in addition to legal protection in the field of copyright and trademarks/names. With the establishment of the WTO and the fact that India has also signed the Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS), many new pieces of legislation have been adopted to protect intellectual property rights in order to meet international obligations. These included: The Designs Act 1911 was amended by the Designs Act 2000; Trade-marks Act, 1999, known as the Trade-marks Act, 1999; the Copyright Act 1957 has been revised several times, the latest of which is known as the Copyright Amendment Act 2012; and the most recent amendments to the Patent Act of 1970 in 2005. In addition, plant varieties and geographical indications have also been adopted in new legislation. These are called the Geographical Indications of Goods (Registration and Protection) Act 1999 and the Plant Variety or Farmers` Rights Protection Act 2001. IPAB – for the granting of a compulsory/legal license for patents and copyrights By Vijay Pal Dalmia, Advocate of the Supreme Court of India and partner of the Delhi High Court: Vaish Associates Advocates Email: Mobile: +919810081079 trademark is anything that identifies the origin of products or services. It can be a name, symbol, logo, color, sound, etc.
The brand symbolizes the value or goodwill associated with the merchandise and its specific source. It distinguishes one company from others. The advantages of brands are manifold: they help consumers quickly identify products with desirable properties. It encourages companies to improve the quality of their products. In the absence of a distinctive sign, it would be difficult to distinguish duplicates from high-quality products. This will reduce the company`s incentive to produce high-quality products, as yields would match those of lower-quality products. Trademark protection confers “monopoly power” on the distinguishing mark in the sense that others are excluded from the use of the same or a similar confusing mark. However, this type of monopoly power does not entail a loss of welfare, since it is not intended to prevent similar products, but only to prevent the use of similar or misleading marks in order to confuse the consumer. As a result, brands usually have a positive incentive effect. It may seem that the economic viability of trademark protection and the intellectual property rights of these marks as a whole are not in conflict with each other. However, there are a few grey areas: the problem of umbrella branding, where a company uses a brand made famous by the sale of a product to enter another market. .