
PowerProduction supports Career Tech Ed

February 4, 2014 - Visual Storytelling

This week, PowerProduction co-founder and CTO met with San Francisco Bay Area teachers and educators to discuss students’ career futures in the Arts, Media, and Entertainment industry sector. Our founder joined other industry professionals to share how to help motivate students and work together with teachers to help students enter the industry.

The attending educators, all of whom teach Career Technical Education subjects, spoke about students who excel in certain areas such as video production and graphic/web design but require an extra incentive to develop further. Many teachers expressed interest in further motivating students with the bridge between academic and the business sector. Video production teachers also stressed how important pre visualization is to teach students the basics of pre production with a product like StoryBoard Quick storyboard software.

The CTE business professionals recognized the value of these students and all agreed that extra incentive like industry contests and internships are very important for motivating these students.

With this in mind, our founder was inspired to make an even greater contribution to the education of Bay Area students. PowerProduction will continue its commitment to career tech students, by working closer with Santa Clara County schools and industry educators.

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