Overheads & Overlay Props


The Overhead & Overlay Add-On Library for StoryBoard Quick & StoryBoard Artist is the easiest way for you to plot out shots, diagram your action and show off different overlay effects in your storyboards! When you need to point out camera placement or blocking points, the new Overhead & Overlay Library has great-looking graphics just a click away. Grab them, place them, even colorize them and then in an instant, you're done. So add this new Library to your StoryBoard Quick Props today!


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Get The Overhead Props Lib Today!

Overhead Graphics have colorizable actors, furniture, vehicles and roads. Grab a floorplan and add your actors and cameras so you can visually show people just how the scene is to be laid out. Quick and easy, these graphics will make visually plotting out your shot a breeze. Overlay Graphics will enhance your storyboards by seeing the shot through the eyes of the actor. From looking through a key hole to peering in the rearview mirror, from seeing what's on someone's iPhone to looking at the world through the eyes of a robot, the Overlays help you create a great-looking shot! The new Overhead & Overlay Prop Library is the perfect expansion for your StoryBoard Quick, StoryBoard Quick Studio, StoryBoard Artist and StoryBoard Artist Studio system and is easily accessible through your Prop Library Palette!

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