

Storyboards: Key to The Master Plan
Storyboards Effect Every Stage of Production The best films are made from the ground up. You lay down a comprehensive base of ideas, script and storyboards [...]
Original Content Is On The Rise II: Start Storyboarding
Storyboard your original content Recently, we wrote a post about why, as a writer, director or producer, now is an amazing time to be an original content [...]
Keep On Creating: Storyboard your big ideas
We may just be in the next Golden Era of original content. Which means that it’s a great time to be an original content creator (and don’t [...]
Cinema Legends Use Storyboards. Find out why
"The storyboard is the first look at the film..." - Ridley Scott
Post Visualization Martini QuickShot for FCP X!
New Post-Production Visualization Plug-in available for Final Cut Pro X! Los Gatos, CA – November 9, 2011 – Quickly following the release of Apple’s [...]
QuickTip: Show Storyboards to Clients!
We hear from customers all the time that StoryBoard Quick storyboards makes quite a great impression on clients especially when pitching and presenting [...]
Creativity doesn’t always come with drawing skills
You don’t need to be an artist to be creative, and being an innovative and imaginative filmmaker doesn’t necessarily mean you can draw the most [...]
Cool Storyboard Resources for your next project!
The storyboarding process can be a bit overwhelming, but we’re here to help!  Over the years as the leading software solution for pre-production, [...]
StoryBoarding for Students
We at PowerProduction often talk about how invaluable pre-production is to the film making process, and how helpful our customers have found our [...]
Don’t be afraid of Pre-Production!
Hey everyone, Thanks to everyone who signed up for the Beta Tester program. The Beta Test program is underway and we’re looking forward to expanding [...]
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